Georgina Banks

Photography by Sally Coggle

Words come naturally to me. But getting to the truth of stories is harder. In my first book, Back to Bangka, I unravel deep family and national history.

Back to Bangka

No one ever spoke about Bud. So when Georgina received an unexpected invitation to the seventy-fifth memorial service for her Great Aunt, she knew little of the national history buried in her family. In February 1942 – having fled Singapore as it fell to the Japanese Imperial Forces - Bud and twenty-one Australian Army Nurses were massacred on a remote beach in Indonesia. One woman survived and told the world of this crime against humanity.

About my story

First time writer, long time storyteller.
Born in Sydney, Georgina moved to New York at nineteen to study acting at the renowned Neighbourhood Playhouse and then worked as a performer throughout her twenties. Following her interest in what makes people tick, she changed direction and went back to uni to study…